Podcasting Tips & Insights
From a BIPOC perspective
The Podcast Academy (TPA) and BIPOC Podcast Creators, jointly announced their first-ever partnership for the 2023 Spring Mentorship Program to support BIPOC creators in podcasting.
5 Ways to Promote Your Latest Podcast Episode
You put in so much work creating a podcast, and that work deserves to be heard. That’s why we’re sharing 5 ways to promote your latest podcast episode.
Q&A: Arielle Nissenblatt of SquadCast FM.
Meet Podcast Marketing Guru, Arielle Nissenblatt of SquadCast FM.
You don’t need thousands of downloads per episode to make money for your podcast
The steps you can take right now, as a small, independent podcast creator, to land sponsors for your podcast and bring in revenue.
Why PR Is Better Than Social Media To Grow Your Podcast
Like most podcasters, figuring out how to grow you podcast is probably on one of your biggest questions.
Cracking the audience growth algorithm feels tough. But, really it's not an algorithm you need to crack.
It's knowing how to use the right tool at the right time.
This week we're breaking down how to use the right tool, a sledgehammer if you really want to make your podcast pop and bring in a whole new audience.
We Stand With You - Our Voices Matter
Podcasters United is a social media pledge podcasters can take to draw attention and resources to the BIPOC-centered organizations fighting to support pregnant people and reproductive rights.
The Podcast Industry Is About To Get A Lot More Colorful
BIPOC Podcast Creators Launches Purpose-Driven Consultancy, Amplify BIPOC, And A New Home For Their Membership.
2 Simple Ways To Price Your Services as a Freelancer In Podcasting and Get Paid What You’re Worth
Set Your Rates Check-List - A Freelancer's Guide To Getting Paid To Make Podcasts