We Stand With You - Our Voices Matter

It’s been a tough several days in the US, but your voice still matters. 

As co-founders of BIPOC Podcast Creators, we are dedicated to amplifying the work of a vibrant community of often underrepresented voices.

We feel shattered by the Supreme Court decision striking down reproductive rights and believe that this decision will have dangerous and devastating impacts on our communities. 

We created BIPOC Podcast Creators to do all we can to support creators of color with a deep commitment to anti-racism and equity. We cannot effectively serve our community without acknowledging and working towards the liberation of our community, including reproductive freedom.

We understand that this issue brings forth passionate feelings and not everyone in our community will agree with our stance. That’s okay, we respect that there will be varying opinions. 

However, we recognize bodily autonomy as a basic human right and believe that healthcare decisions, especially reproductive decisions, are deeply personal and should remain between pregnant people and their healthcare providers.     

We know that many of you feel discouraged, frightened, and as if your voice and lived experiences do not matter, but please do not give up. 

As podcasters you are creators. You are storytellers. You are the voices of our community and the platforms that you work tirelessly to build can be a powerful voice for the injustices thrust upon us. 

We encourage you to keep using your voice and keep telling stories that matter and use your platforms - because this journey is just beginning. 

It’s important to us to share as many resources as we can find to support our impacted community and anyone that wants to get involved in this fight for our human rights.

We have pulled together a list of resources to connect those looking for ways to take action (below). 

We would like to issue our own call to action to our community and beyond to show your commitment to standing up and speaking out for our rights. 

Please join us in participating in a social media campaign called, Podcasters United, to show solidarity with women and pregnant people who are and will be irrevocably harmed by the removal of our rights, and to bring attention and resources to the people on the front lines of this fight who are supporting our impacted communities. 

Here’s how to get involved:

  1. Share the following statement and graphics on your social media platforms at least 3 separate times, and/or read as a statement on your podcast. 

  2. Donate a portion of show proceeds and ask audience members to donate to any of the following BIPOC lead organizations:

    1. Colorado Organization For Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR)

    2. In Our Own Voice - National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda

    3. The National LGBTQ Task-Force, plus the Queering Reproductive Justice Tool-Kit

    4. Indigenous Women Rising

  3. Register to vote and turn out for pro-choice candidates and encourage your followers to do the same.     

The Statement: 

We are podcasters united in solidarity with women and pregnant people everywhere who will be harmed by the Supreme Court's removal of our human rights. Our government has waged war on our bodies and though we are discouraged we will not forget those who need us most. 

We know this is a fight for not only our basic human rights - our bodily autonomy, but for our very democracy. 

To those most impacted- under-resourced women and pregnant people, women of color, members of the LGBTQ+ community - we see you and stand by your side and will not give up. 

We believe that we have a responsibility to use our platforms to speak out against this injustice whenever and wherever we are witness to it.

In creating digital media we have built audiences that return week after week to hear our voices and we will use our voices to speak against those that wish to control our bodies and our futures, and we encourage our audiences to be educated, engaged, and to take action. 

Join me in supporting BIPOC-centered organizations on the front lines of this vital work.

**Access the Google File with instructions, graphics, and copy here.

List of Organizations Centering BIPOC and/or Queer Communities:

  1. Holler Health Justice: Supporting abortion access by offering practical support, such as transportation in communities in Appalachia most disproportionately affected by health inequities, including BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ folk, those in rural areas, and those with low income. 

  2. SPARK Reproductive Justice NOW: Spark engages in power building through grassroots organizing, advocacy, and knowledge-building in Georgia and across the U.S. South, centering Black queer women, trans folks, and folks living outside the gender binary.

  3. Make it Work Nevada: Centers their work and organizing around the experiences and challenges of Black women and women of color with a scope of focus including racial and reproductive justice.

  4. Sister Song: Strengthens and amplifies the collective voices of Indigenous women and women of color to achieve reproductive justice by eradicating reproductive oppression and securing human rights.

  5. The Afiya Center: Transforming the lives, health, and overall wellbeing of Black womxn and girls by providing refuge, education, and resources; we act to ignite the communal voices of Black womxn resulting in our full achievement of reproductive freedom.

  6. The Black Feminist Leadership Fund: started in 2019, the is split among 10 different Black-led reproductive justice organizations.

Additional Resources: 

  1. National Network of Abortion Funds: Builds power with members to remove financial and logistical barriers to abortion access by centering people who have abortions and organizing at the intersections of racial, economic, and reproductive justice.

  2. The Brigid Alliance: Assists with travel costs related to abortion across the U.S.

  3. If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice: A nationwide network of lawyers, law students, legal professionals, and movement organizers who are working to make reproductive freedom a reality for all.

  4. NARAL Pro-Choice: Dedicated to eliminating all laws and practices that would compel any woman to bear a child against her will.

  5. Abortion Funds In Every State: A website listing where and how to access safe abortions across the US 

**Email inquiries to hi@bipocpodcastcreators.com



Tangia Estrada

Co-Founder, BIPOC Podcast Creators


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