BIPOC Virtual Live Product Demo + Networking Event with Amazon Music's Amp.
Join us for a chance to win a $250 cash creator reward!
An immersive music-driven event designed for folks to tap into their inner DJ and create their very own live audio show. If you’re looking to connect with artists, playlisters, DJ’s, and talk/pop culture enthusiasts you’re in the right place. Come through for a cozy networking vibe, create a show in real-time, learn tips and tricks from the Amp team and learn about how you can be rewarded by Amp’s new Creator Fund just by hosting regular audio shows. This activation is powered by Amp – Live Audio + Podcasting.
Prior to attending:
1. Download Amp (using this link)
2. Finish creating profile on Amp
3. Bring Headphones
4. Be in a quiet space with strong wifi/cellular connection – we’ll be going live during the activation
This is a free virtual networking event for all BIPOC Podcast Creators.
Register now! Space is limited.
Amp is a new platform by Amazon Music where people come together to hear and create live talk shows with music they love.