Lessons from Podcast Movement 2024: A Journey of Growth, Connection, and Surviving as an Introvert

By Grace Simmons - Coach | Podcaster | Ambassador, BIPOC Podcast Creators

In August 2024, I attended my second Podcast Movement, and this time, things felt different. When I found out it would be hosted in DC at the Gaylord National Harbor, I couldn’t resist attending—it’s just a short drive away! Even after living in Maryland for almost ten years, I’m still amazed by how much there is to explore. Whether finding new spots in the city or getting lost in DC’s vibrant neighborhoods, there’s always something new to discover.

This year, I went in with a game plan. Last year? Whew. I barely survived. I made great connections and soaked up every session, but I was mentally drained by the end. My goal for PM 2024? Connect with more people while attending fewer sessions (for my sanity). As a local podcaster, I was honored to be selected as the BIPOC Podcast Creator DC Ambassador—no pressure, right? Balancing the need to represent myself while hosting a meet-up for BIPOC creators was challenging, especially for my introverted self.

My Game Plan Worked! 

This time, I was more intentional about which sessions I attended. I focused on growing my podcast, *The Random & Wonderful*, so I picked sessions aligned with that mission. One of my favorites was a B2B podcasting session, where I learned how to attract high-quality guests and conduct panel discussions to elevate my listeners' experience. I also attended a fascinating talk on how hip-hop culture influences industries beyond music—everything from Adidas sneakers to podcasts collaborating with local coffee shops (yes, seriously!).

Pro Tip: Don’t Underestimate the Power of Hip-Hop 

A standout example from the session? The Democratic National Committee did a state-by-state roll call... to the beat of hip-hop music! It made me rethink how I could blend unexpected elements into my podcast. Imagine podcasting like that, merging two worlds you wouldn’t normally associate.

But let’s dive into the specifics of my favorite sessions and what I learned:

Speeding Up Your Podcast Editing Process  

What To Fix In Post:

  • Learn your DAW (I use Audacity—it’s easy and free!).  

  • Stay organized (keep guest info, episode numbers, and music files in order).  

  • Use templates for repetitive tasks (Audacity users, is this possible?).  

  • Batch process with iZotope RX for quick fixes.  

  • Descript is a game-changer for content editing.  

  • Edit backward—start with the last timestamp to avoid shifting earlier edits.  

  • Program keyboard shortcuts in your DAW—your fingers will thank you!  

  • One-handed editing with a gamer mouse (trust me, it’s efficient and cool).  

  • Speed up playback for quicker edits (but don’t overdo it).  

  • Most importantly—practice makes perfect!  

What To Fix In PRE (because prevention is better than correction):  

  • Proper mic technique is essential.  

  • Record each speaker on separate tracks (this will save hours).  

  • Acoustic foam or moving blankets can work wonders for sound quality.  

  • Wear headphones, even if it makes you feel like a DJ.  

  • Silence notifications (especially that distracting email ping).  

  • Avoid noisy distractions (ice in your glass can wait!).  

  • Keep your hands still (this is a tough one for me!).  

  • Embrace pauses—it’s okay to take a breath.  

  • If issues arise, pause and fix them immediately. No stress.

The Art of Engaging Guest Interaction 

The guest interaction session was a goldmine. Here's the winning formula:  

  • Research  

  • Outreach  

  • Coordination  

  • Preparation  

  • Pre-interview engagement  

  • Interview  

  • Follow-up  

  • Ongoing interaction  

I loved the emphasis on curating a list of ideal guests who align with your podcast’s long-term goals. This will be crucial for a Random & Wonderful Podcast series I’m working on.

B2B Live Stream Success  

Looking to expand your podcast audience? Consider B2B live streaming. Key takeaways:  

  • Repurpose content (audio, blog posts, social media, short videos—anything!).  

  • Long-term benefits include visibility, trust-building, and establishing thought leadership.  

  • YouTube is your best friend for live streams (LinkedIn is great for the initial stream but hides it afterward).  

  • Panel discussions with varied guests > solo episodes. Plus, use live polls to create interactive word clouds. Who doesn’t love those?

AI and Black Voices  

This session excited me about how AI can support Black podcasters and creators. The key takeaway? Create AI prompts that align with your podcast’s workflow and brand. Don’t be afraid to dive in—whether it’s ChatGPT, MidJourney, or Jerome AI, the more you experiment, the more you’ll unlock new ways to enhance your creative process.

Networking as an Introvert:  

As an introvert attending a large conference, networking can feel like climbing a mountain. So, I made a deal with myself: I’d make one meaningful connection each day. Here’s what worked for me—and it might help you, too, if you find yourself stuck between wanting to attend sessions and needing a break in your hotel room.

  • Set an intention: What do you want to get out of the conference? Last year, I tried to do everything and ended up burnt out by day three. This year, I stayed focused: fewer sessions and more meaningful connections.  

  • Keep your story short and simple: There’s always a temptation to overshare, especially when imposter syndrome kicks in. My advice? Let others ask you questions. You belong here.  

  • Be open to varied conversations: Some chats will last 20 minutes, others might go on for hours. Go with the flow and learn from everyone.  

  • Exchange contact info and follow up: Don’t wait months to reconnect. I’m guilty of this, so I immediately made it a point to connect on LinkedIn.

Podcast Movement 2024 wasn’t just another conference but a lesson in community, creativity, and confidence. Whether I was learning new production hacks, soaking up the energy of DC, or catching up with a friend from last year, I felt like my podcast and purpose were on the right track.

More About Grace:  

Grace Simmons is an Army veteran, travel enthusiast, and certified Gallup Global Strengths coach. She hosts The Random and Wonderful Podcast, sharing stories of adventure, self-discovery, and personal growth with guests worldwide. Catch her latest work at The Amethyst Palaver Hut LLC.


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